
5 Simple Ways to Remove Ink from Clothes effortlessly!

Ink stains, admittedly, are not the most common stains you may be called upon to deal with. So, it is not strange to feel a worry when you see on your clothes, or on your child’s clothes a new ink stain. How the ink comes out of the clothes can be a question that will concern you a lot. Do you think that it is not worth the effort to clean it and that it is better to throw away the clothes?

It may be a good idea to try some clever recipes before deciding that clothing is beyond salvation. Especially if it is a favorite piece of your wardrobe, it is worth the effort. Keep in mind, in advance, that every recipe works best when the stain is still wet. Also, in no case do not wash in the washing machine and do not dry the stained clothes, before trying the recipes!

How does ink get out of clothes?

# 1 With milk

Can you imagine that such a simple material that can already be found in your refrigerator, can fight ink stains? And yet, milk is a very easy-to-use material that will help you save your clothes. But how does ink get out of clothes with milk? To begin with, you need to ensure that the ink does not spread to other parts of the garment, or to the surfaces of the house. For this reason, place the clothes on a surface that is not in danger of being damaged, which you will have covered with useless cloths, or a large amount of kitchen paper.

Then act according to the size of the stain. If it’s a small spot of pen, things are simple. Place a piece of cotton under the garment, where the stain is. Then dip a second piece of cotton in lukewarm milk, and rub it on the stain.

If the stain is large enough, you will need to immerse the stained piece of clothing in a container of warm milk. Leave the milk to act for several hours, or even overnight. Finally, rinse it with plenty of water and rub a little lemon on it. If the procedure fails the first time, you can repeat it. Your goal is to completely remove the stain before you wash the clothes in the washing machine.

# 2 With milk & white vinegar

This recipe is a continuation of the previous one and is even more effective. As you probably know, white vinegar is your ally in cleaning various parts of the house. This also applies to ink stains. Do you want to know how the ink comes out of the clothes with milk and vinegar?

In a deep container, place the stained part of the garment. Then cover the stain with warm milk and add 1 cup of white vinegar. Leave your mixture to act for several hours, or overnight. The next morning, you can rinse the fabric with water to see if the stain has disappeared. If it has not completely disappeared, rub it with a little lemon. If necessary, repeat the process. When the stain is completely gone, wash the clothes in the washing machine and dry them properly.

# 3 With glycerin

Glycerin is a material that you will find in pharmacies and that should help you a lot to solve your problem. Its use is very simple and fast, so you will not get tired. You can heat the glycerin a little and apply a small amount on the stain. Of course, you must have placed kitchen paper under the fabric before applying the glycerin.

Leave the glycerin to act for a few minutes and rub the clothes. Finally, rinse with water and a little white vinegar, or ammonia and wash in the washing machine. If the solution fails, you can repeat, or try lacquer cleaning, as suggested below.

# 4 With hairspray

How does ink get out of clothes with hairspray? On a damp cloth, spray enough varnish and rub the stain with a sponge. Repeat several times, until the stain dissolves. Be careful, however, why the clothes should not dry, if the stain does not subside. If it dries, it is very likely that the stain will stubbornly remain on the fabric. In other words, it will never come off the fabric.

Well, after rubbing the fabric that has received the hairspray, you can soak it in a very simple mixture. Mix in a bowl of lukewarm water with a little liquid dishwashing liquid and a few drops of white vinegar. Inside the container, place the stained part of the garment. Leave your mixture to act for about half an hour and wash the clothes in the washing machine.

# 5 With pure alcohol

This solution is mainly suitable for cotton and satin fabrics. You can rub the stain well with a piece of cotton soaked in alcohol. You will need to repeat a few times, with new pieces of cotton, until the stain disappears.

Then you can rinse the fabric with water and lemon, to clean it completely. Wash regularly in the washing machine and if the stain does not disappear, repeat the process. If the garment is white, you can soak it in a basin of lukewarm water and bleach, leaving it for about an hour. However, do not try bleach on colored clothes, as there is a risk that their color will fade.

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